I’ll bet most of you made at least one New Year’s resolution for 2025. For most of us, these don’t last long as we get busy with our daily routines and lose track of new intentions. Here are a few of mine for community engagement and advocacy that I want to share with you and ask you to make yourself a promise to do at least one in 2025. If you want moral support, bring a friend or neighbor along!

  • Visit one new community board, council or commission that affects you personally either online or in-person this year.
  • At these meetings, watch and listen to people just like you make public comments to the elected individuals to see how it’s done.
  • Write a 3-minute public comment about something you care about and make your public comment in person, by phone or online via zoom or email at least one time in 2025.


There are hundreds of opportunities to do this at least once this year. Here are some local meetings you can attend, watch and make your public comment. Most meetings are live-streamed so you can watch from home if you use the internet. Please check agendas online or call three days before the meeting to make sure of any changes:

Washoe County Commission: Meets 2nd, 3rd, 4th Tues 10am, 1101 E 9th St, Bldg. A, Reno – Call 311

Washoe Citizen Advisory Boards (See list of meetings in December Senior Spectrum) – Call 311

Washoe Senior Advisory Board – Meets 1st Wed 3pm 1155 E 9th St, Reno, Bldg. E – Call 311

Reno City Council– Meets every 2nd, 4th Wed 10am, Reno City Hall, 1 E First St, Reno

Reno Neighborhood Advisory Boards – Call Reno Direct for all Reno info 775 334 4636

Ward 1 – 2nd Mon 5:30pm, McKinley Arts and Culture, Boardroom, 925 Riverside Dr.

Ward 2 – 3rd Tues 5:30pm, Moana Nursery, Seminar Room, 1190 W. Moana Lane

Ward 3 – 1st Tues 5:30pm, Reno City Hall, Council Chambers, One East. 1st Street

Ward 4 – 3rd Thurs 6:00pm, North Valleys Library, 1075 N. Hills Boulevard

Ward 5 – 2nd Tues 5:30pm, Reno City Hall, Council Chambers, One East. 1st Street

Ward 6-   To be determined.

Reno Senior Citizen Advisory Committee – 2nd Tues. 2pm, McKinley Arts Center, 925 Riverside Dr.


Sparks City Council– 2nd, 4th Mon 2pm. Sparks Legislative Bldg., 745 4th St., Sparks. Call 775 353 2350

Sparks Senior Citizen Advisory Committee- Every other month. Call for info

Sparks Citizen Advisory Committee – Quarterly, 2nd Thurs. 5:30p Sparks Legislative Bldg.

General Improvement Districts (GID)

Incline Village GID – 2nd Wed 4:30pm, 893 Southwood Blvd., Incline Village 775 832 1100

Palomino Valley GID – 3rd Thurs 6pm, 9732 Pyramid Hwy, #324, Sparks, 775 848 6788

Gerlach GID- 1st Thurs 5pm, Gerlach Community Center, 410 Cottonwood, Gerlach, 775 557 2601

Sun Valley GID- 2nd Thurs 5:30pm, 5000 Sun Valley Blvd., Sun Valley    775 673 2220

RTC Washoe (Transportation) –3rd Fri 9am, 1105 Terminal Way, Reno, 775 334 0171

I hope to see you at one of these meetings in 2025. For more information, contact me at [email protected] or 775 240 2745.