Ideas for Young Adult Travels as a gift idea for Graduations for 18-30 year olds

I am going to sound like an advertisement here, but I want to discuss an idea for those parents who want of offer up a unique gift for their graduating high-schooler or even the college graduate, especially if they themselves want to spoil themselves and/or their to celebrate their achievement

To begin, I met Bruce Poon Tip at travel show for travel professionsls while in Las Vegas in the 1990’a.  At the time, Bruce was in his early 20’s, enthusiastic, committed to successfully establishing a tour company that would encompass particular core values. He had started his company already and was well on his way with innovative tour planning. Fortunately, I met him again in the early 2000’s. He was in his early 30’s and, not only did he reach his goals, he continues to promote those core values with an incredible tour company.  But, I want to focus here, and why I’m writing about THIS company, is it’s dedication to providing a particular service to a demographic for 18-30 yr. old travelers.  This is just one of several types of travel that his company offers that certainly provides.  This particular company is unique in its dedication to providing solo young travelers to travel together in a safe and exciting environment for domestic and international young travelers.

Over the years, Bruise has expanded his company to include unique travel experiences, like, a Jane Gooddall Collection that encompasses Africa, or National Geographic trips for families and Roamies for Hostels world…and others.  The types are travels offered are too unique i.e. Classic, Wellness, etc. but I am concentrating here on the 18-30 demographic. This is the group who could be targeted for parents and grandparents wanting to give a travel experience as a gift….an idea.

You are probably going to be asking yourself, why this company, to me?  Well, particularly because of those Core Values I mentioned earlier.  Bruce wanted to develop an entity that would provide for authentic travel, but also a sustainable one.  It was important, always, to him, that these core values extended to his staff, his partners throughout the world as well.  I can tell you that he has exceeded his original goal.

So why is this important to you and why am I choosing to write about it?  Throughout the travel industry there as recently been emphasis on doing more for the destinations visited.  The impact of tourism throughout the world, has been significant. Cruise lines, Tour operators, even the accommodation providers are working hard now to take care of the environments they are located.  Tour operators and cruises both are offering special opportunities for their travelers to actually do hands-on experiences to both help and learn about community and destination needs, how their product affects them and what can be done to ‘make things better’.  Interesting that Bruce, and his G-Advantures thought of that need over 26 years ago!!!

What are those CORE values anyway?  Maybe this will draw attention to your own future travels and an offer of ‘making a difference’.  Some ask why they would be bothered, after all, it is a vacation, right?  Well, that’s understood and O.K., but, for this particular company, they want to provide for this ‘helping the community’ on their own by using some of their profits from the business to ‘give back’…not in words only, or In promises, but in action. I think that should be commended. 

So, back to the 18-30 year olds traveling opportunities. 

First, the tours for this demographic are specially crafted for presumed single travelers, traveling together in small groups, supervised and curated to satisfy many different personality types.  The destinations are experienced in the daytime for learning from the local guides, seeing and enjoying the experience with others your/their age, in a small group setting. Safety and learning are particularly reassuring for the parents or grandparents wishing to offer-up such a gift of travel.  This includes evenings to experience the local culture through food and drink, as well as plenty of FREE TIME to do their ‘own thing’ and not feeling trapped or too structured.

Second, Core Values….just what are they?  According to their website they are: Love, Lead, Embrace, Create and Do. But what does that mean?  For you and your young traveler, it means a LOT.  I’ll identify how Bruise looked at it. 

Love is meant to reflect on how their efforts and goals are to change people’s lives.

Lead is mean to provide services with the most authentic experiences and life changing adventures

Emhrace is meant to encourage ‘off the beaten path ‘ activities

Create means the Cultural exchange and happiness with and for a community

Do means to Do the RIGHT thing, specific for all their participants i.e. staff, guides, travelers and destination

So my intention in this article is to share a unique tour operator that offers something that is truly unique to the industry, and particularly enticing, I would think. The parent or grandparent may want to help a child or grandchild by giving them an opportunity to perhaps visit a dream destination on a vacation perhaps with a best friend or friends, or even alone, with supervision. Remember,  small groups, learning and sharing with a group whose age range is limited, but the destinations are ones that provide for adventure, culture, excitement, learning and sharing. One of the very best things is that all of this companie’s departures are guaranteed.  Why would I mention that?  Well, some of you may have experienced a vacation planned by many vendors that need certain minimum participation to operate. The consequence is a cancelled tour.  I know personally and professionally, it is disheartening to have to tell client/travelers that their tour had been cancelled.  Usually, the option is to be refunded or choose another date.  What a disappointment that would be huh?

Lastly, you will want to discuss with your young traveler about their dream destination or wish or whatever, to establish what would make them extremely happy for the spoil. Also, when would work best for them to travel. Whom they MAY want to have join them.  You’ll want to discuss with the parents of the other friends as well, about the idea.  It may be that there would be several friends who would like to travel alone but in a small group (away from parents and family) but supervised, as they make their initial independence following high school before college or following college or whatever.

I am sorry if this came across as a sales job.  There are plenty of vendors out there to choose from for travel.  I write about this one because it is comprehensive and less stressful than trying to plan a totally independent adventure,  Safety in numbers. Learning, convenience and free time AND limited age range, may be most attractive to your graduate (or celebrating a significant life change) as a gift – New career job or birthday or whatever.  It’s a thought.  

I recommend that if you are interested in learning more about this particular company, go to  There is much more in-depth information regarding costs, dates and specific destinations offered, as well as availability. For your information, the destinations are all over the world: Europe, South America. Africa, etc. 

My goal was to share an idea of a GIFT OF TRAVEL for perhaps a soon-to or recent graduate, or someone celebrating something significant in their lives.  I  hope, if anything, this is food for thought. 

Happy Travels.