The City of Reno through its Senior Citizen Advisory Committee (SCAC) will host a series of events this month to honor its Senior Citizens. There is an estimated 67,500 Seniors (age 60+) in the Biggest Little City.
“Seniors needs socialization and being around people the same age,”Paco Lachoy, Chairman of the com- mittee remarked recently. ”Older Americans Month is a great time to celebrate the accomplishments, contri- butions and lives of Seniors.”
The City of Reno and its SCAC will host the second annual Senior Artists Exhibit and Show at the historic McKinley Arts and Culture from April 25 to June
2. The Exhibit and Show are open Monday through Friday 9 am to 4 pm in the East and West Galleries. A special third gallery will open in the auditorium April 26 to May 11.
Reno Parks and Recreation and the SCAC have partnered to host Sit and Get Fit classes for free at Evelyn Mount every Tuesday from 9 am to 10 am. Registration is not required. The Truckee Meadows Pickelball Club join in on May 4 and 11 with Learn to Play Pickelball at the Plumas Street Gym Noon to 2 pm. Classes are free but registration is required.
Seniors love Ice Cream. SCAC and Reno Council member Meghan Ebert will present three Ice Cream Socials during the Month. First is one at Mayors/Dorothy McAlinden Park out in Stead on May 16 from 11 am to 1 pm, Then May 22 at Neil Road Rec. Center and May 30 at Paradise Park, all 11 am to 1 pm. Super Swirl will be there with soft serve, lemonade and other goodies. A free scoop to Seniors 60+ is available on a first come first serve basis as supply is limited.
Senior Day at the Aces will be Sunday, May 21 when the City and the Aces honor Older Renoites at America’s favorite pastime.
Sierra Arts and the SCAC partner again for the third Annual Senior Art Engagement Day on Thursday, May 18 at the Evelyn Mount Northeast Community Center at 10 am. Interested parties need to register for the event which is being offered for free.
The month closes with, the annual Sock Hop and Ice Cream Social, hosted by Sanford Center for Aging and SCAC at the Washoe County Senior Center from 2pm to 5 pm.