What is Corrective Exercise?

As a Certified Personal Trainer the most important certification I have ever gotten is the National Academy of Sports Medicine Corrective Exercise Specialist Certification. I have used the knowledge to help rehabilitate injuries, improve posture and make people more pain free.

 With Myofascial Release using a foam roller for instance, we put pressure on a muscle where it is tight and hold it for at least 30 seconds. We then release the pressure and the muscle will relax. Then through static stretching we elongate the muscle. Depending on how tight the muscle is you might have to do the first two steps for a while before you get to the third step. Third step is activating the muscle and strengthening it. Fourth step is integrating it into functional training. These four steps are at the heart of what Corrective Exercise is.

 Corrective Exercise is used to improve posture as well. People with poor posture and weak core muscles tend to have more back problems. By improving posture and being more anatomically correct. We will move better and be more pain free.

 Rehabilitating injuries like shoulder injuries, knee pain, back pain and even hip issues can be achieved through Corrective Exercise. I have trained people with knee issues and have decreased the pain dramatically. One time I trained a client who had been in a motorcycle accident. He was scared to move much and was on a significant amount of pain medication. Working in conjunction with his chiropractor, using corrective exercise and strengthening his back he eventually stopped taking pain medication completely. He then moved on and used the knowledge he learned through Personal Training to take care of himself.

 How you walk, move and feel can all be improved through Corrective Exercise. I do not care how old you are. All it takes is the willingness to change. Then your life will change.

 Next issue I will be writing about the Benefits of Strength Training. I hope you check it out. Have a great day.