As inflation skyrocketed during the past few years, seniors across Nevada and our nation were among those who were hit the hardest. We heard the heartbreaking stories of seniors having to make the difficult choice between paying for their prescriptions or putting food on the table. No one – especially seniors – should have to face that kind of devastating choice. It’s plainly unacceptable. 

I knew we had to take action to provide relief for Nevada’s seniors. And that’s what we did. 

I’m proud to say one year ago, I helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act into law, historic legislation to lower prescription drug and health care costs for seniors. By allowing Medicare to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices, we’ll save seniors’ hard-earned dollars and help put money back into their pocketbooks. And this is just the beginning. 

Thanks to this legislation, we have also capped yearly out-of- pocket costs for prescription drugs at $2,000 per person and the price of insulin at just $35 per month per prescription for Nevada seniors with Medicare Part D. Just last month that cap on insulin cost was expanded to include Medicare Part B and Medicare Advantage beneficiaries, increasing the number of Nevadans who will benefit from lower costs and greater savings. 

This historic law is not just having tangible benefits for Ne- vada’s seniors, it is also pushing private companies to lower medication costs for all hardworking families. Some private companies have followed Medicare’s lead and announced they were also capping the costs of insulin, providing much-needed relief to Nevadans without Medicare. 

This is exactly why Nevadans sent me to the U.S. Senate – to fight for them on the issues that affect their livelihood. I made it my mission to do everything I can to lower prescription drug costs and provide Nevadans with much-needed relief. Neva- da’s seniors have worked hard their entire lives and they de- serve to age with dignity. As someone who stepped away from my career to take care of my aging parents and in-laws, I know how important it is to make this a reality. That’s why I promise to keep fighting for you, to be your champion in the Senate, and to make sure that we keep delivering for you.