As someone who stepped back from my career to care for
my aging parents and in-laws, I know how important it is to have information and resources readily and easily available to ensure Nevada’s seniors can access the support and services they need.

In the U.S. Senate, supporting Nevada’s senior community is a top priority for me. I’m committed to ensuring Nevada seniors receive the benefits they have earned through a lifetime of hard work and can retire with dignity and peace of mind. From Social Security to Medicare, numerous hard-earned and well-deserved benefits and services are available for older Nevadans.

That’s why my office created the Nevada Senior Resource Guide, which provides valuable information to assist Nevada seniors in navigating many of the benefits and services.

This user-friendly guide is designed to serve as a general directory and provides essential information about federal, state, and community-based programs, benefits, services, and organizations available in Nevada and at the federal level. Say, for example, you are a Nevada senior seeking information about Social Security benefits. The guide provides detailed information regarding qualifying for the program and how to enroll, among other helpful information. The guide also provides contact details for the Social Security Administration, including contact information for the local Nevada offices, and provides both online resources and phone numbers.

This resource guide also contains information on veterans benefits, Medicaid access, support for caregivers, food assistance, fraud prevention efforts, and numerous other programs that can make a real difference in the lives of retirees, older Nevadans, and those who care for them.

This guide is just one of the many ways I’m working to support our seniors, ensure easy access to programs and benefits, and help provide retirement security. I was proud to help pass historic legislation last year to lower prescription drug costs for seniors by finally allowing Medicare to negotiate prices directly with drug companies, capping total annual out-of-pocket drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries, and ensuring that no senior has to pay more than $35 per month for insulin.

I also introduced the bipartisan Supporting Our Seniors Act to create a brand-new National Advisory Commission on long-term care services for seniors and those in need of long-term support.

And I’ve introduced and signed on to bills to support Neva- da’s seniors, including legislation expanding increasing the number of doctors practicing in our state, improving veterans’ access to VA health care and benefits, providing tax credits to family caregivers, making long-term care more affordable, and increasing access to palliative care.

I am always working for you in Congress. I hope this Nevada Seniors Resource Guide provides you, your family, your friends, and your neighbors with valuable information on the many benefit programs, including many I am fighting to protect and preserve. If you need more information or need assistance contacting federal agencies, I invite you to contact my office.

Jacky Rosen is a U.S. Senator for Nevada, and one of the founders of the Senate’s Comprehensive Care Caucus.