One of the scariest things we can do is put ourselves in a position where others know we don’t have all the answers. Learning something new can feel both incredibly daunting and invigorating at the same time. Right now, I am enrolled in a doctoral program—and while that might sound like I’m bragging, I assure you I’m not. Every day, it becomes clear that there is so much I don’t know. If I don’t focus and work hard to learn the new material, I will fail. So, what does this have to do with you?

When was the last time you attempted to conquer something new that challenged you to grow? There’s a saying I heard once that has stuck with me: “When a person stops growing, they start dying.” The internet credits this quote to William S. Burroughs, an American writer from the 1900s, but I believe this idea has existed since the beginning of time. Growth has very little to do with age and everything to do with how we choose to approach life.

As we enter 2025, are you willing to put yourself in a place of risk and commit to learning something new? Growth can take many forms, but to keep life an adventure, consider what excites you to learn and go for it. Here are a few ways to stay sharp and keep growing:

  1. Talk to someone who doesn’t look or act like you.This may feel the riskiest, but I promise you will gain a new perspective on life and learn incredible things.
  2. Take a class or lessons.Whether it’s learning to play the piano, picking up a new language, crocheting, or baking a pie, a small commitment could lead to a new skill—or even a beloved hobby.
  3. Read a book and try something new.There are books on every topic imaginable. Visit the library, pick up something that sparks curiosity, and give it a try. You’ll be surprised how much is out there waiting to be learned.
  4. Join a club or visit a church.Stepping into new social settings can feel intimidating, but the rewards are often worth the risk. Meeting new people and engaging in a community can help you grow in unexpected ways.

Whether it’s pursuing a doctoral degree, picking up a new hobby, or simply making a new friend, commit to putting yourself in a position to grow and learn. It’s a life-giving choice—not just for you, but for those around you as well.

Here’s to a 2025 filled with risk, growth, and adventure. Happy New Year!

If you are looking for classes please check with the City of Sparks, Reno, Washoe County, Senior Center or Truckee Meadows Community College, they all have some wonderful options.