Celebrate Older Americans Month in May

Every year, the Administration for Community Living (ACL) leads the nation’s observance of Older Americans Month (OAM) in May. The theme for 2024 is Powered by Connection, “which recognizes the profound impact that meaningful relationships and social connections have on our health and well-being,” according to the ACL (acl.gov). Formerly known as “Senior Citizens Month,” this tradition of honoring Seniors in May was established in 1963 during a meeting between John F. Kennedy and members of the National Council of Senior Citizens (NCSC) when only 17 million Americans reached their 65th birthdays. As of the 2022 Census, there are over 58 million Senior American Citizens (nationaltoday.com).

In Northern Nevada, many government, non-profit, and private sector programs exist to create and maintain this sense of Community for Senior and Elderly citizens. Staying connected significantly impacts all walks of life, and is vital to stave off feelings of isolation, loneliness, and depression as humans age. Several agencies and individuals recognize this need and respond by providing or joining in activities, outings, classes, and events for Seniors. This year is, indeed, Powered by Connection, and touts the most robust calendar of events celebrating seniors Northern Nevada has ever seen.

Washoe County kicks off the celebration with its annual Older Americans Month Information Fair on May 1 at the Washoe County Senior Center. The event will feature over 50 vendors “in hopes of connecting Washoe County’s elderly to valuable programs and services,” Ryan Gustafson, Director of the Washoe County Human Services Agency, said. This OAM Information fair is an “opportunity for seniors to be active, social and connect with one another in our community,” Kara Powley, Division Director of Washoe County Senior Services, said. (washoecounty.gov/seniorsrv/older_americans_month). A variety of events are available to older adults year-round through the County and other Partners in the region.

Hot on the heels of Washoe County’s Info Fair, The Senior Service Network (SSN) will host their annual Senior Celebration, held in the Casino Fandango Grand Ballroom in Carson City on May 9 (https://seniorservicenetwork.us/senior-celebration). This year is the 25th Anniversary of the event, which offers health, product, and service information available to Seniors. Members of the SSN meet monthly and include healthcare professionals, non-profits, businesses, and individuals who recognize the contribution and importance of Seniors in our community. Meetings are focused on supporting the Northern Nevada senior community and offer assistance in the form of funding to those who experience financial crises.

Northern Nevada takes Powered by Connection to full tilt in its chock-full calendar of events. Calendars of the offerings through May (and into June) can be found on the Washoe County website, as well as through Neighbor Network of Northern Nevada (N4) (neighbornv.org/what-we-do/older-americans-month/). These myriad events include library visits, information fairs, golfing, museum and music entry, education, socials, theatre, dancing, bingo, art, science, exercise, history, pickleball, and a pool party… just to name a few. Volunteers are also needed to support these activities—it really is all hands on deck. (https://www.washoecounty.gov/seniorsrv/older_americans_month/files/WCHSA%20OAM%20booklet%20update%204-18-24.pdf)

How will you get there? Public transportation bands with Washoe County to make access and connection a breeze. Community partners such as the Regional Transportation Commission (RTC), N4, Access to Healthcare Network, and UNR’s Sanford Center for Aging joined forces to host free rides and empower Seniors to attend. A summary of what’s offered through FlexRIDE, taxi services, Lyft, and Uber for residents 60+, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and ACCESS clients is also available on the Washoe County Older Americans Month web page.

In the past, the Washoe County Human Services Agency, the RTC, and KOLO sponsored a Stuff A Bus Drive-By Donation Drive in 2023. Also in 2023, The Reno Citizen Advisory Committee hosted an Ice Cream Social for Older Americans. In 2022, Sierra Senior Services (A Meals on Wheels Provider) re-introduced its Congregate Meals Program, which serves nutritious meals to older adults in a group setting. During COVID-19, Senior Spectrum organized several virtual activities in honor of Seniors in 2021. The RTC also partnered with Three Square to deliver meals to Seniors during the pandemic in 2020. Older Americans in Northern Nevada were offered free admission to the Nevada Art Museum in 2019. Sparks Heritage Museum & Cultural Center also offered Free admittance in 2018.

Natalie Minor is a Certified Productivity & Organizing Professional (CPO) through NAPO and a member of the National Association of Senior & Specialty Move Managers (NASMM). She holds specializations in Life Transitions and Brain-based Conditions and is a member of NAPO’s Moving & Relocation and Writing & Publishing Special Interest Groups. Natalie owns SOULganizing and Twilight Transitions and is a speaker, writer, and consultant based in Reno, Nevada.