Courageous Leadership

Standing before the statue of President Abraham Lincoln in Washington, D.C., I couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of admiration and responsibility. President Lincoln has always been a hero of mine, a leader who stood for something greater than himself and was willing to make sacrifices for the betterment of all. His legacy looms large, a reminder of the immense investments made in building this great country.

In that moment, amidst the bustling crowds, it felt like it was just President Lincoln and me. His gaze seemed to ask, “Are you honoring the sacrifices made before you and protecting the foundation of this country?”

Reflecting on President Lincoln’s leadership, I’m reminded of the words of Doris Kearns Goodwin in her book Team of Rivals states, “Lincoln’s political genius lay not just in his strategic acumen but also in his ability to forge friendships, mend divisions, and share credit generously. He understood the power of unity and the importance of preserving the presidential prerogatives while governing with empathy and resilience.”

While at the conference Doris Kearns Goodwin was present and spoke about President Abraham Lincoln. Her words made it clear that she had studied him deeply, understanding the essence of his leadership. As we approach the upcoming elections, her insights prompt me to ponder the qualities of leadership that I seek in candidates.

On a personal level, I ask myself, what qualities do I look for in a leader? What kind of leader gives me hope for our children and grandchildren? Unity, integrity, empathy, and a commitment to the common good are traits that resonate with me. President Abraham Lincoln’s leadership was indeed characterized by his ability to unite diverse perspectives and forge alliances even with those who disagreed with him. He surrounded himself with individuals who brought different viewpoints to the table, recognizing the value of diverse perspectives in shaping informed decisions.

Despite these differences, President Lincoln’s character and leadership principles left a lasting impression on those around him. Letters and accounts from his contemporaries attest to his integrity, empathy, and unwavering commitment to his principles. Even those who initially opposed him found themselves respecting and admiring his leadership qualities. President Lincoln’s willingness to listen, empathize, and find common ground set a powerful example for leaders then and now. He understood that true leadership isn’t about silencing dissent but rather about embracing it and using it to drive progress.

In a time of great division and uncertainty, President Lincoln’s approach to leadership serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration. His ability to bridge divides and lead with compassion offers timeless lessons for leaders across generations. As we navigate the challenges of our own time, may we draw wisdom from President Lincoln’s example and strive to emulate his principles of inclusivity, integrity, and unity. By no means was he a perfect leader, but there is no question that he was a courageous one.

How about you?
• What qualities do you look for in a leader?
• What characteristics of leader gives you hope for our children and grandchildren?
• What will history say about those people we elect to represent this incredible country we live in?

As you take the time to vote and usher in what is best for this amazing country, state and community, please keep these questions in mind. Thank you for playing your part in creating such a wonderful community and may God Bless the amazing country.