Meeting the City of Sparks’ New City Manager

There have been a few changes in the City of Sparks recently, and one of the most notable is the appointment of our new City Manager. Please allow me to introduce Dion Louthan. Dion brings a fresh perspective to our city, backed by extensive experience and, most importantly, a genuine concern for our aging population. Below are a few of his answers to some questions that will help you get to know him better.

Tell me a little about your background and the experiences that prepared you to become the Sparks City Manager:

I was born in Portsmouth, Virginia, and raised in the rural community of Hugoton, Kansas. I graduated from the University of Kansas (go Jayhawks!). I worked for a small municipal recreation agency and that’s where my career path began. That experience truly sparked my passion to continue working in the public sector.  I was fortunate to work for the City of Henderson, Nevada for about 15 years. I had a fantastic experience and truly saw what great leadership looked like. I moved back to Kansas for about five years, working as the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Salina. From there, I served as both the Parks, Recreation & Libraries Director and ultimately Assistant City Manager for the City of Roseville, California, overseeing an operational budget of more than $150 million, while leading the Police, Fire, Parks, Recreation, and Libraries departments.  

What do you like about Sparks so much that you were willing to move your family here?

Sparks is a renowned and vibrant community with a hometown feel. I was drawn to the welcoming environment and recreational opportunities. The greatest thing I see about Sparks since moving here is the passion and pride that the community has. I have received a warm welcome throughout the city and look forward to continuing to grow and build meaningful relationships.

What are some of your initiatives for seniors and Sparks as a whole?

Here at the City of Sparks, we want to be known as an organization that is agile, adaptable, and always willing to listen. We want to make sure our resources are focused on the highest priorities. Day-to-day customer service, communications, community engagement, and responding to our citizens are things I want to hang our hat on. 

As demographics shift and our city grows, I want to make sure our senior population knows how important they are to me personally and the City as a whole. I want everyone to feel heard. I want to know what they would like to see more of and day-to-day how we can be the best partner possible with seniors in our community. 

Affordable housing is one of the City’s top priorities. We recognize this affects our entire community. We are coming at it in several different ways. From rental assistance programs to working with our state and federal officials on various affordable housing initiatives. We are also putting a lot of effort and support behind the Truckee Meadows Public Lands Management Act as we believe this has tremendous potential to bring real affordable housing to Sparks. It will also improve traffic flows, increase safety, and align with economic development goals.

What do people need to know about you?

I pride myself on being approachable and always willing to listen. I’m not afraid of change. It’s very important to me to communicate effectively. I believe the more we exchange thoughts and ideas, the more successful we will be as a community. Additionally, follow-through is something that I pride myself on. This doesn’t mean that we can always land on the answer everyone wants but I will always make it my mission to ensure everyone has current, accurate information based on the various issues being discussed. I will also get back to people and provide truthful information in a timely manner.

How can we reach you?

Feel free to call my office at (775) 353-2310 or email me at [email protected]