The Washoe County Human Resources Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Office in partnership with The County Human Services Agency Senior Nutrition Program teamed together to offer Seniors breakfast during Older Americans Month.  Breakfast was served to over 150 people on May 15 in the multipurpose room at the Washoe County Senior Center.


“Come have a seat at a table,” those who attended the event were asked by representatives of various departments in the county who volunteered to give back by serving Seniors. Elizabeth Jourdin, who heads the DEI, said a survey of county employees showed they wanted more volunteer opportunities.

“Have you had something to eat?” was asked a lot by the volunteers as Seniors sat a tableclothed tables and were served the county style breakfast of biscuits and gravy, a sausage patty and orange juice.  Volunteers also came around asking if you wanted coffee or water. And when you appeared to be finished, “Can I take that tray for you?” 

The volunteer staff represented county employees from Human Resources. Community Services, Recorders Office, District Health, District Attorney, Emergency Management, DEI, and Human Services Agency.

“This is a great event,” Mary Taylor, 78, said, “Usually I only get lunch here, but this is great they are serving us breakfast today! Thank you to those who volunteered to help us Seniors.” Ms. Taylor comes two or three  a week to the Senior Center to have lunch through the County Senior Nutrition Program.

“I can’t believe how attentive the staff is to us Seniors today,” Marvin Crumbstein. 67, said.  “Usually we have to get in a line, get a tray and then find a seat. This personal attention and kind of treatment for us Seniors means a lot and really makes us feel special.”

This was the second year the DEI offered breakfast to Seniors. This was the first during Older Americans Month.  Last year the event was held to celebrate National Senior Citizen Day in August. 

DEI also hosts events of Veterans, Black History and Women to create a more inclusive community in the county. For its efforts the County DEI received an Impact Award from the Washoe County Commissioners for creating a positive culture change in the county.

Todd Aker, who heads the Washoe County Senior Nutrition Program said last year they had 75 people participate and were hoping for 125 this year.  That number was exceeded and put smile on the faces of Seniors and Washoe County employees who made it possible.